Thursday, March 5, 2009

a helping hand

How many of us do really have the habit of helping others without strings attached. I'm not talking about your helping someone after they have asked for it but more towards the kind of help that you offer to others without them asking for it when you see someone around you clearly needing it.The latter is definitely a more genuine and sincere form of help. This is something that most of us would have experienced at some point in our lives, but what might differ is the way we respond to this event. For instance, in buses, there will be a grandpa, granny or a pregnant lady who aboard the bus, but what do we normally see is people would be hesitant to offer their seats to them. They would be looking at each other and finally, one would decide to give in to their non-verbal 'arguments'. However, there are some who would immediately stand and give their places to those who would need those seats more. This was something that i've experienced personally. An Indonesian guy offering his seat to an old lady but, this is a very rare occurrence indeed..

People are getting more self-centered and more money-oriented that they forget the very basic foundation of humanity; the act of helping others. I don't know how many of you have actually helped out a total stranger just out of compassion, but i can say one thing for sure that it'd give you a sheer happiness and satisfaction that nothing in this world can provide.

Besides that, I do believe in the existence of wheel of life that everything evolves around a circle or more simply, what you do is what you get. Take human life itself for example, when you are a baby, you need a caretaker and when you grow older, when you are no longer able to take care of yourself, you need a caretaker as well. And another simple thing that many of us don't realise is that how you treat your parent is how your children would treat you. There are many youths nowadays in the name of pursuing the peak of their career neglect their parents and send them away to old folks home. They don't seem to appreciate what their parents have sacrificed for them. My point is that before you start helping others, be kind to your parents first because they are the one who brought you to this world. Don't ever forget your past because it is the essence of your life that made you who you are today. Charity should begin at home first.

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