Wednesday, August 11, 2010

life's ups and downs..

One day you feel like you are the top of the world, the other day, you feel like everything has let you down. This is the riddle of life. Nothing is permanent in this world. For those who've realised this truth, they would not have any problem adapting when things do not turn out well. But, for those who think they're invincible, they are heading for a big trouble when everything around them is no longer in their favour.

That's why it's always best to be humble. Every one is just the same in this world. The world is so big and all of us are just tiny ants in it. There's no point in being so cocky because anything can happen at anytime. Fame, wealth, etc. none of these things would last forever. It could just disappear in the blink of an eye. Being students, it's better to share your knowledge rather than being 'kiasu' or selfish. The more you teach others, the more you would learn eventually.

Also, there's no point in being jealous with others who are in a better position than you, because that person probably would have worked harder to be there. Nothing can be done by just being jealous. All of us should instead turn that negative energy into positive emotion to try to change ourselves to reach greater heights. But, this doesn't mean that you have to pray that the other person should be doomed. Life is a circle, if you are true to yourself and you acknowledge your inner strengths and weaknesses and accept them, you can make a difference too and become a better person in the future.


Mulllai said...

exactly... I used to think the same thing too... But, I realised some people wont change...learning to face the ups and downs in life...

puppylover said...

yup.. it's true..